
Tiling Safely: 7 tips for Choosing High-Performance Adhesives


Tiling is the process of installing tiles on floors or walls. High-Performance Adhesives play a vital role in this process, bonding the tiles to the underlying surface and ensuring their stability. Therefore, choosing the right adhesives is an essential step in achieving safe tiling and ensuring the safety and durability of the flooring. In this article, we will give you 7 tips for choosing high-performance adhesives.

Tiling Safely: How adhesives affect the safety and durability of flooring

Adhesives can affect the safety and durability of flooring in several ways:

High adhesion strength is necessary to ensure the stability of the tiles and prevent them from slipping. Therefore, low adhesion can cause tiles to separate from the floor, which can pose a safety hazard.

Waterproof adhesives are essential for areas with high humidity such as bathrooms and kitchens. Therefore, non-waterproof adhesives can cause water to seep under the tiles, which can lead to damage to the floor and the formation of mold.

Flexible adhesives are essential for floors that are uneven or subject to heavy traffic. So non-flexible adhesives can chip or crack if the floor is not perfectly level.

Quick-drying adhesives allow you to walk on the floor shortly after tiling. So slow-drying adhesives can make the floor unusable for a long time.

It is important to choose the right adhesives for the weather conditions in your area if you want to tiling safely. Be aware that some adhesives are not suitable for use at high or low temperatures.

Tiling safely: 7 tips for choosing high-performance adhesives

Whether you’re building a new home or renovating an old bathroom, choosing the right tiling adhesives is essential. High performance adhesives can give you peace of mind knowing that your properly and safely tiled floors or walls will last for many years. To help you choose high-performance adhesives and achieve your tiling goal safely, we offer you the following tips:

1. Determine the type of tile:

Ceramic tiles: Suitable for areas with high humidity such as bathrooms and kitchens.

Natural tiles: like marble and granite, require strong adhesives.

Porcelain tiles: High resistance to scratches and abrasion.

2. Determine the floor type:

Concrete: Suitable for most types of tiles.

Plywood: Requires flexible adhesives.

Drywall: Requires lightweight adhesives.

3. Determine the properties of adhesives:

Adhesion strength: It must be strong enough to bear the weight of the tiles.

Water resistance: essential for areas with high humidity.

Flexibility: Important for uneven floors.

Drying speed: Determines the time you can walk on the floor after tiling.

4. Read the instructions carefully:

Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Pay attention to the mixing time and drying time.

Use recommended tools.

5. Use adhesives suitable for weather conditions:

Some adhesives are not suitable for use at high or low temperatures.

6. Test adhesives before use:

Do a test on a small area of the floor before covering it completely.

7. Consult an expert:

If you’re not sure what type of adhesive to use, consult a building materials expert.


Whatever type of project you intend to work on, paving safely remains a goal you must strive to achieve. By following these tips, you can choose high-performance adhesives that will ensure the safety and durability of your floors.

To order high-performance adhesives, go to

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