Adhesives and tiling systems: your guide to choosing the right one

Building and construction is one of the most important sectors in the world, playing a vital role in providing housing and public and private facilities. We consider tiles as one of the most common building materials, as we use them to cover floors and walls in various types of buildings. Therefore, choosing the appropriate adhesives and tiling systems is one of the most important steps to ensuring the installation of durable and beautiful tiles.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to choosing the right materials and systems for your project.

Consequences of wrong choice

Tile falling: Tile falling is one of the most common problems that can occur due to improper selection of adhesives or tiling systems. The main reason for this problem is not using the appropriate adhesives or tiling systems for the type of tile or type of surface. The result is that we distort the appearance of the floor or wall or expose people to danger due to falling on loose tiles, and the cost of repairing tiles increases.

Tile corrosion: Tiles can corrode due to exposure to external factors such as water, sunlight, or chemicals. The main reason for this problem is the failure to use adhesives and paving systems that are resistant to external factors. The result is that we distort the appearance of the tiles, reduce their lifespan, and the cost of replacing them increases.

Tile cracking: Tiles can crack due to exposure to pressure, stress, or temperature changes. The main reason for this problem is the failure to use adhesives or flexible tiling systems. The result is that we distort the appearance of the tiles, increase the cost of repair, and expose people to danger because of it.

Water leakage: Water can seep through tiles if we do not install them properly. The main reason for this problem is the failure to use waterproof adhesives and tiling systems. The result is damage to the surfaces under the tiles and the growth of fungi and mold.

Fungi and mold growth: Fungi and mold can grow on tiles if we do not clean them properly. The main reason for this problem is the failure to use bacteria-resistant adhesives and tiling systems. The result is a distorted appearance of the tiles and an increased cost of repairing the damage.

Types of adhesives

There are different types of tile adhesives, and each type has characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Cementitious adhesives: These are the most common type and are used to install tiles on concrete surfaces and walls.

Epoxy adhesives: These are strong, water-resistant materials and are used to install tiles on wet or uneven surfaces.

Latex adhesives: These are flexible and easy-to-use materials that are used to install tiles on wood or metal surfaces.

Adhesives and Tiling Systems: Types of Tiling Systems

There are different tiling systems, and each system has advantages and disadvantages.

Wet tiling system: This is the most common system, and uses water to mix the adhesives.

Dry tiling system: does not use water to mix adhesives, and is used in places where water cannot be used.

Self-leveling tiling system: used to install tiles on uneven surfaces.

Adhesives and tiling systems: the right choice

When choosing adhesives and tiling systems for your project, consider the following factors:

Tile type: Some types of tiles require specific adhesives.

Surface Type: Some surface types require specific tiling systems.

Working Conditions: Some of these materials and systems are not suitable for use in wet or outdoor locations.


Choosing the right adhesives and tiling systems is essential to ensuring a durable and beautiful tile installation. Read the instructions on the packages. Make sure that these materials and systems are suitable for the type of tile, type of surface and working conditions. You can consult an expert in the field of construction or tiling for more clarity when choosing.

We hope this guide has helped you choose the right materials and systems for your project.

To order adhesives and tiling systems, go to

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