Cement tiles: how some additives contribute to improving performance

Cement mortar is one of the popular options in the construction field. We use it to install cement tiles, stone, and natural stones on floors and walls. In order to enhance performance and improve the quality of work, we use some additives that support the strength and durability of the mortar. In this article, we will take a look at some of the additives that can improve the performance of mortar, and the advantages they offer it.

Some additives that improve the performance of cement mortar for cement tiles

Additives used to improve the performance of cement mortar include a wide range of materials added to the cement mixture to achieve specific objectives. The additives used vary based on the specific needs of the project and specific construction conditions. We frequently use them to improve mortar properties and enhance its performance in a variety of applications.

Here are some popular extensions and their functions:

1- Synthetic polymers: We use polymers such as synthetic and acrylic polymers to improve the adhesion of mortar to surfaces, increase its flexibility, and reduce cracks.

2- Synthetic fibers: We add synthetic fibers such as glass fiber or polypropylene to increase the mortar’s resistance to cracking and corrosion and to enhance its tensile strength.

3- Water-resistant materials: We add hydrophobic materials such as silicone and silicone-treated polymers to enhance the mortar’s resistance to water and moisture.

4- Antibacterial and anti-mold materials: We add some anti-bacterial and anti-mold materials to keep the mortar clean and prevent the formation of mold and bacteria on the surface.

5- Corrosion inhibitors: We can add corrosion inhibitors, such as acid and alkaline corrosion inhibitors to protect the mortar from corrosion resulting from exposure to harmful chemicals.

6- Additives for thermal and sound insulation: We use some additives to improve the thermal and sound insulation properties of the mortar, which increases the comfort of use and provides a quieter and more comfortable indoor environment.

7- Mortar expanding materials: We use some additives to help control the shrinkage of the mortar and reduce the occurrence of cracks resulting from expansion and contraction during the hardening process.

Advantages offered by additives to cement mortar

Increase the adhesion strength of mortar:

The adhesion of mortar to surfaces is important to ensure its stability and durability. By adding appropriate materials such as polymers, we can improve the adhesion strength of cement mortar. These additives contribute to strengthening the bonds between molecules, leading to improved adhesion and resistance to separation.

Increased resistance to corrosion:

Cement mortar is susceptible to corrosion, especially in environments with harsh conditions such as humidity and exposure to chemicals. By using intelligent additives such as polymers and fibres, we can enhance the mortar’s resistance to abrasion and harmful environmental effects.

Improve mortar elasticity:

The flexibility of mortar is very important in areas where it is subject to movement and vibration, such as floors and exterior surfaces. By using smart additives that enhance the elasticity of the mortar, the risk of cracking or damage due to movement and daily use can be reduced.

Improve water and moisture resistance:

Moisture is one of the biggest factors that negatively affects cement mortar, as it can lead to mold, stains, and structural damage. With clever additives such as hydrophobic materials, the water and moisture resistance of the mortar can be improved, maintaining its quality and durability over the long term.

Reduce shrinkage and cracking:

Shrinkage and cracking are common problems facing cement mortar, especially after drying. By using appropriate additives that reduce shrinkage and provide an even distribution of stresses, the risk of mortar cracking can be reduced and its durability increased.

In conclusion, the use of some additives to cement mortar contributes to significantly improving its performance and increasing its durability and resistance to corrosion and harsh environmental conditions.

To order additives for cement tiles, go to www.whitesand.sa.

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