يرجى تحديد الحقول الموجودة في المربعات أدناه لمعرفة المنتج الذي يلبي احتياجاتك بشكل أفضل.

محدد لاصق البلاط الرقمي

Technical advice

  • It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). 
  • It is recommended to use rapid or enhanced setting tile adhesive when tiling Thin (3 to 6mm) and/or Large Tiles (webercol fast, webercol rapid flex or webercol premium F etc) .
  • It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors.

Technical advice

  • It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). 
  • Epoxy based tile adhesive should be used on Metal Substrates. They should not be coated nor galvanized and should be stable and non-deformable (weberepox easy or webercol epo or webercol epo plus etc).   
  • It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors.

Technical advice

  • Epoxy based tile adhesive should be used on Metal Substrates. They should not be coated nor galvanized and should be stable and non-deformable (weberepox easy or webercol epo or webercol epo plus etc).   
  • It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors.

Technical advice

  • It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors.

Technical advice

  • Maximum tile’s weight when tiling on Façade should not exceed 40kg/m². 
  • When tiling outdoors on heights above 6m, tile adhesive type C2S2 should be used (webercol flex or webercol rapid flex etc).
  • Marble & Stone tiles with sizes > 3600 cm² should not exceed the height of 6m when tiling externally, otherwise mechanical or semi-mechanical fixation is recommended.
  • It is recommended to use flexible tile adhesive (deformable S1 or S2) for dark colored tiles when tiling outdoors (webercol flex, webercol rapid flex, webercol premium etc).
  • It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). 
  • It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors.

Technical advice

  • It is recommended to use flexible tile adhesive (deformable S1 or S2) for dark colored tiles when tiling outdoors (webercol flex, webercol rapid flex, webercol premium etc).
  • It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). 
  • It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors.

Technical advice

  • It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). 
  • It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors.

Technical advice

  • It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). 
  • It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors.

Technical advice

  • It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). 
  • It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors.

Technical advice

  • It is recommended to use flexible tile adhesive (deformable S1 or S2) for dark colored tiles when tiling outdoors (webercol flex, webercol rapid flex, webercol premium etc).
  • It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). 
  • It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors.

Technical advice

  • It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors.

Technical advice

  • Maximum tile’s weight when tiling on Façade should not exceed 40kg/m². 
  • When tiling outdoors on heights above 6m, tile adhesive type C2S2 should be used (webercol flex or webercol rapid flex etc).
  • Marble & Stone tiles with sizes > 3600 cm² should not exceed the height of 6m when tiling externally, otherwise mechanical or semi-mechanical fixation is recommended.
  • It is recommended to use flexible tile adhesive (deformable S1 or S2) for dark colored tiles when tiling outdoors (webercol flex, webercol rapid flex, webercol premium etc).
  • It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). 
  • It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors.