يرجى تحديد الحقول الموجودة في المربعات أدناه لمعرفة المنتج الذي يلبي احتياجاتك بشكل أفضل. محدد لاصق البلاط الرقمينوع البلاط:اختر نوع البلاط الخاص بككراميكارخام وحجر طبيعيبورسلانالأرضيات / الجدران:اختر الأرضيات / الجدران الخاصة بكالأرضياتالجدرانحجم البلاط بـ (±) سم2:اختر حجم البلاط الخاص بك90016003600540072008000ركائز:اختر الركائز الخاصة بكأسمنتالأسطح غير المساميةالتدفئة تحت البلاطبلاط السيراميك الموجودمعدنداخلي وخارجي:اختر مكانك الداخلي/الخارجيداخليخارجيTechnical advice It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). It is recommended to use rapid or enhanced setting tile adhesive when tiling Thin (3 to 6mm) and/or Large Tiles (webercol fast, webercol rapid flex or webercol premium F etc) . It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors. Technical advice It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). Epoxy based tile adhesive should be used on Metal Substrates. They should not be coated nor galvanized and should be stable and non-deformable (weberepox easy or webercol epo or webercol epo plus etc). It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors. Technical advice Epoxy based tile adhesive should be used on Metal Substrates. They should not be coated nor galvanized and should be stable and non-deformable (weberepox easy or webercol epo or webercol epo plus etc). It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors. Technical advice It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors. Technical advice Maximum tile’s weight when tiling on Façade should not exceed 40kg/m². When tiling outdoors on heights above 6m, tile adhesive type C2S2 should be used (webercol flex or webercol rapid flex etc). Marble & Stone tiles with sizes > 3600 cm² should not exceed the height of 6m when tiling externally, otherwise mechanical or semi-mechanical fixation is recommended. It is recommended to use flexible tile adhesive (deformable S1 or S2) for dark colored tiles when tiling outdoors (webercol flex, webercol rapid flex, webercol premium etc). It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors. Technical advice It is recommended to use flexible tile adhesive (deformable S1 or S2) for dark colored tiles when tiling outdoors (webercol flex, webercol rapid flex, webercol premium etc). It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors. Technical advice It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors. Technical advice It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors. Technical advice It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors. Technical advice It is recommended to use flexible tile adhesive (deformable S1 or S2) for dark colored tiles when tiling outdoors (webercol flex, webercol rapid flex, webercol premium etc). It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors. Technical advice It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors. Technical advice Maximum tile’s weight when tiling on Façade should not exceed 40kg/m². When tiling outdoors on heights above 6m, tile adhesive type C2S2 should be used (webercol flex or webercol rapid flex etc). Marble & Stone tiles with sizes > 3600 cm² should not exceed the height of 6m when tiling externally, otherwise mechanical or semi-mechanical fixation is recommended. It is recommended to use flexible tile adhesive (deformable S1 or S2) for dark colored tiles when tiling outdoors (webercol flex, webercol rapid flex, webercol premium etc). It’s advised to incorporate Expansion Joints every 25m2 on floors and every 15m2 on facades (3m horizontally and 5m vertically). It is recommended to apply tile adhesive using the Back Buttering method (on the back of the tiles) for tiles above 1600 cm2 and when tiling outdoors. Submit Form